

Agribusiness in Papua New Guinea

Constraints Addressed included Limited access to cost saving inputs, Limited access to information and production know-how, Limited access to information on post-harvest and quality control and Lack of access to formal markets.

Interventions in Fresh Produce, Inputs, Export Commodities, Niche Products, Emerging Crops, Women’s Economic Empowerment.

Partnerships with Fresh Produce Wholesaler NKW Fresh, Coffee Quality Control Service Provider Sustainable Management Services (SMS) and Agmark, Input Suppliers Central Highlands Feed Mills Ltd (CHFML), Processors New Guinea Fruits.

Key Results

SMS – Coffee A total of 2000 farmers from its existing supply chain and an additional 1000 farmers will be trained and certified over a period of three years.

Central Highlands Feed Mills Ltd (CHFML) – Feed 15 Demonstration units produced good growth results for pigs fed with local starch ingredients and feed concentrate, highlighting the relevance for concentrate as a low-cost input into pig rearing in rural areas.

NGF – Honey – There was an increase of 114 beekeepers between 2016 & 2018 who were supplying raw honey to the company. The volume of raw honey sourced from bee-keepers increased from 9.7 MT in 2016 to 38.0 MT in 2018.

NKW Fresh Produce – NKW has hired three more Field Extension Officers, thus increasing their extension team to seven staff. Last year NKW expanded to new sourcing areas reaching 322 farmers.

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