

Bucoli Green

Bucoli Green is one of the largest commercial farms in Timor-Leste. Its produce includes vegetables such as bitter gourd, long beans, short beans, chilli, eggplant and onion, with tomato being their main cash crop. Established in 2009 by Kenyan surgeon Dr. Philip, Bucoli Green has grown from 200m2 to 25 hectares in the past ten years.

Market Constraints

Agriculture production in Timor-Leste is challenging because there is limited knowledge of pest management and how to grow crops other than rice and maize. As Dr. Philip was managing all farm operations, the lack of technical supervision in the field made it difficult to increase production.


MDF’s work with Bucoli Green aims to address low productivity in horticulture in Timor-Leste. To increase knowledge, MDF supported Bucoli Green by recruiting an international horticulture expert to review existing farm protocols and develop new practices, including pesticide and fertiliser application. Field staff were recruited to form the missing middle management roles, and technical and field staff received training and mentoring on the new practices.

By introducing various technical innovations and modernisation, the farm has had a major impact on the agricultural landscape in nearby locations. This knowledge transfer has improved composting, nursery systems, use of inputs and the way that the produce is sorted and graded.

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