

Cruise Timor-Leste Standard Operating Procedure

This standard operating procedures (SOP) manual (the Manual) forms the basis for multiple stakeholder cooperation and collaboration in the area of cruise ship tourism in Timor-Leste (Cruise TL). The process owners are the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI) representing the public sector and the respective ship agent (SA) and appointed tour operator (ATO) representing the private sector.1 Together, this tripartite arrangement will provide continuity in the implementation of the SOPs in support of Cruise TL. The Manual provides a summary of findings that have been endorsed by the process owners and other stakeholders for the benefit of Cruise TL. The process owners, through the establishment of a working group known as Cruise Timor-Leste, will be held jointly responsible for disseminating the Manual and ensuring that any subsequent updates are incorporated and shared.

1.1 PURPOSE OF MANUALThe main purpose of the Manual is to describe how to execute each aspect of procedures and operations related to cruise ship calls in ports in Timor-Leste. It sets a framework that will ensure consistency among all stakeholders and enable the full growth potential and success of cruise tourism in Timor-Leste. The Manual ensures uniformity in operations before, during and after a call by a cruise vessel and provides a framework for stakeholder partnership and collaboration.


The Manual consists of four sections. This introduction outlines the purpose of the Manual. Section two explores the institutional framework in which Cruise TL operates and defines various stakeholder roles. Section three provides information related to operational elements of Cruise TL. Finally, section four presents annexes with examples of procedures and documents related to Cruise TL, including checklists for before, during and after a ship visit.


The Manual is under the governance and the responsibility of the process owners, i.e. MTCI, SA and ATO. The process owners will appoint representatives as process managers to maintain and continually update the content of the Manual in a consultative fashion and inform all stakeholders of significant changes. Contingent upon the development of the newly formed MTCI, it is recommended that strong public-sector leadership be established and nurtured. This, however, should not be exclusive of private sector actors, particularly the SA and ATO.


The process owners may form a Cruise TL Working Group comprised of all relevant stakeholders, e.g. shipping agencies, destination management companies, taxi companies, attractions, municipal authorities, relevant government agencies and other private sector organisations. The process owners, through their appointed representatives, will be responsible for ongoing dissemination of the Manual contents via the Cruise TL Working Group and possible digital formats such as


The appointed process manager must record any changes to the Manual’s content in the below record of changes. Any changes should be identified by section with an explanation of the change. All changes should be approved by the process owners and shared widely with all stakeholder through the chosen Cruise TL platform.

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