

Understanding Inclusivity and Disability

Hamza Khalid, Program Manager, Economic Growth from the Australian High Commission talks to us about Understanding Inclusivity and Disability in Pakistan.

“Disability Inclusive Development is a key component of the Australian Aid Program is Pakistan as well as globally. We are always looking for the opportunities through our development co-operation investments as well as through direct policy engagement to identify areas where we can make the most difference,” says Hamza Khalid.

Market Development Facility’s three key objectives for disability inclusive development globally are:

  1. Reducing poverty amongst people living with disabilities
  2. Creating space for people with disabilities in decisions making,
  3. Influencing all aspects of public life for people with disabilities.

MDF is designed to have a substantial impact across all three areas that Hamza Khalid noted.

Click on the button below to watch the entire interview about Understanding Inclusivity and Disability with Hamza Khalid.