

High Value Agriculture in Fiji

Sectoral Constraints included Cost-effective logistics and distribution networks that connects firms to farms, Allowing more farmers access to affordable quality agriculture inputs and mechanical harvestors, High Value Agricultural produce for exports through certification, processing, value-adding and brand development and Promoting products, services and business models that focus on sustainable supply chains.

Intended Changes in the Market include Improved connectivity between firms, farmers and markets and reaching new markets through value added Fijian products.

Key Results include Over 8,600 farmers and firms across Fiji have improved access to agricultural inputs: aglime, seeds, seedlings, tissue culture, mechanical harvestor and poultry manure. Over 2,500 farmers are benefiting through improved product development of Fijian agricultural exports for new markets: noni juice, noni capsules, virgin coconut oil, raw sugar, sea urchins, kava capsules, instant kava powder, processed taro, processed jackfruit, processed cassava, breadfruit, chillies and processed vegetables.

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